Fear Less, Create More


Fear less, create more ✨ A mantra that was developed a few years ago and something I implement in my day to day.⁣

It’s not at all about being fearless, it’s about fearing less— embodying that fear you feel and letting it guide you to create more space, time, freedom, creativity... whatever it is YOU want to create more of.⁣ 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

Here’s a few ways I use this mantra:⁣
✨ When I first wake up in the morning, I don’t hit the snooze button and instead create more time to dedicate to me—reading, meditating, and journaling.⁣
✨ I go to the gym at least 5 times a week and instead of giving myself an excuse, because let’s be real—that’s the last place I wanna be lol, I show up because my goal is to create a healthy state of mind and work on my health first.⁣
✨ Instead of prolonging responding to the emails and calls with clients, I put my attention towards them all within a few hours so I can create more time and space to give attention to the things I do want to create—more connections over coffee, more time to take photos for myself to get those creative juices flowing, and creating more podcasts.⁣

There are so many mantras out there, but this one has stuck with me and what I hope to do is continue implementing this idea of #FearLessCreateMore into my business so I can empower others like YOU to do just that—own your story, take the fear that you have, and use it as fuel to take action to create the life you deserve for yourself! 🥳💖💃🏻💸🎥🚀🌱🎉


3 Years and Counting...


Wordaful SD: Event Recap