30 Life Lessons I've Learned Before I Turned 30


As I enter my 30th trip around the sun, feelings of excitement and alignment come to mind. I am incredibly grateful for the life I am able to live and lead.

And because of all of this, I wanted to share 30 lessons I’ve learned over the past 30 years of my life:

  1. Surprise yourself every day

  2. Self-awareness is everything

  3. Always speak kindly to yourself

  4. Start each day with gratitude and an open-heart and open-mind

  5. Progress over perfection, always

  6. Be your own muse

  7. Make space to feel and heal

  8. On the other side of fear or discomfort is love

  9. The more you uplift others to grow, you grow alongside with them

  10. Trust the timing of your life

  11. Reflect, recenter, and reimagine often

  12. Self-love is the best love

  13. Everybody is somebody, always approach from a place of love

  14. Know your worth

  15. Embrace every moment with your loved ones'

  16. Be conscious of what you consume

  17. Intentionality is everything

  18. Embrace and tap in to your inner child often

  19. Go with the flow and grow with the flow

  20. Fear and failure is a catalyst for growth

  21. Quality over quantity

  22. Relationships come and go, but it’s important to understand what each relationship has taught you

  23. Create more than you consume

  24. Incorporate a morning routine that serves your soul

  25. Find beauty in everything

  26. Periods of rest and stillness are key

  27. Never stop learning

  28. Vulnerability is a super power

  29. Consistency is key, but it is the act of doing that keeps it consistent, not always doing it perfectly

  30. Fall in love with your own life


Be Your Own Muse


Behind the Scenes of "Take a Shot" Music Video